Notebook Archive
Live interactive, computational notebooks available to everyone and preserved in perpetuity
This free archive is hosted as a public service of the Wolfram Foundation, providing open access to articles, books, essays, posts, educational materials and student projects created by and for the Wolfram Notebook user community.
Academic Articles & Supplements
Full articles of a type that might be published in a journal, or supplements thereto
Books & Supplements
Complete books that might be published, or supplements thereto
Working Material
Potentially unfinished notebooks used in projects or for exploration
Educational Materials
Lessons, quizzes, etc. suitable for direct use in educational settings
Essays, Posts & Presentations
Standalone materials communicated using notebooks, often in computational essay form

First introduced in 1988 with the release of Mathematica 1.0, Wolfram Notebooks are uniquely powerful interactive documents mixing text, graphics and live, runnable code—ideal for literate programming and computational communication in business, research and education.
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