About This Archive

The Notebook Archive is a lightly moderated open repository for all kinds of Wolfram Notebooks—from highly polished articles, essays and lecture materials to quick demos, research experiments and programs. Hosted by the Wolfram Foundation, this site is offered as a public service for centralized access to read, interact with and expand upon diverse content on any subject at any level of expertise.

Exploring this repository will give you an idea of what's possible with the Wolfram Language and literate programming. Or, if you've produced any notebooks that could be of interest to others, you can share them with the world! All rights to submitted material are retained by the copyright holder, but with consent to unfettered public access directly online, by download or by copying to a personal cloud account.

Submission policy

How to Contribute

If you have concerns or issues, or need help, contact us


What file formats are accepted?

Your main submission should be in the standard Wolfram Notebook (.nb) format. Supporting materials such as packages (.m, .wl), stylesheets, data files, images, sounds and other files may also be included (using a .zip archive for multiple files).

How does this relate to Wolfram Research and Wolfram products?

The Notebook Archive is curated and hosted by the Wolfram Foundation, a nonprofit established to support education, research and entrepreneurism.

How will my submission be used?

Submitted materials will be made publicly available for viewing and interacting in the cloud and for direct download. The Wolfram Foundation does not currently plan to promote submissions, but we may display content excerpts for demonstrative or informational purposes throughout the website.

Can I submit anonymous or secondhand material?

Yes, but we request that all submissions are made with the permission of their owners. When submitting another's work, please use the original author's name (if possible) and select the appropriate licensing structure.

Who can access these notebooks?

Anyone visiting the Notebook Archive website can view, interact with and download notebooks or other materials from the collection.

Can I use these materials in my own work?

For submissions with redistribution rights reserved, you must have the express permission of the owner to reuse materials. Contributions submitted under a Creative Commons license allow reuse, either openly or with author attribution. Please check the specific license for a piece before attempting to reuse it.

Can I request a new category be added?

If you have suggestions or feature requests for the archive, please contact us.

How can I make changes to a submission?

For now, please resubmit with changes and contact us to mark the old version for removal. An account management system will be implemented soon to allow users to modify existing submissions.